
sábado, 18 de enero de 2014


If the quenelle isn’t Jew-hating, why is it performed on the railway track to Auschwitz 

Où sont les neiges d’antan? Pardon my French, reader, but nostalgia always takes a French form with me. Particularly nostalgia for old-style anti-Semitism. Where are they now, the charming European Jew-haters of yesteryear, with their arm bands, forged Protocols, Dreyfusphobia and theories of racial purity? Candid, open, no pretending that they were something other, no complaining that they’d been smeared when you called them what they were. And now look! You can’t find a Jew-hater to meet your eye.
How it is that anti-Semitism has become such a hole-and-corner activity in the West, why saying what anti-Semites have always said lacks the courage of its own convictions, and those who say it complain of being smeared the minute you call them out – these are matters for another column. Today, we confine ourselves to hand gestures that look like one thing and apparently mean another. You think that was a Nazi salute I just gave? Reader, I resent the smear. I was just hailing a taxi.
Take the “quenelle”, a gesture widely considered to be an inversion of the salute with which Germans once expressed devotion to their Führer, made popular today in France by the comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala and copied by many of his supporters including the West Bromwich Albion footballer Nicolas Anelka. Variously of Real Madrid, Paris St Germain, Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester City, Fernerbahce, Bolton Wanderers, Chelsea, Shanghai Shenua, Juventus, and now West Brom – so a player who either doesn’t know the meaning of loyalty, or simply can’t make his mind up, but one who, whichever way you look at it, has become as rich as a Jew on transfer fees (and don’t dare smear me with the charge of anti-Semitism: I am not an anti-Semite) – Anelka recently made a show of giving this salute while playing against West Ham, but was quick to deny that anti-Semitism had anything to do with it. He did it for Dieudonné, he said.
Why it was necessary to show solidarity with a French comedian at Upton Park, Anelka has yet to explain. Respect? The admiration that a person who uses his body feels for a person who uses his mind? I won many a game of ping-pong while reading English at Cambridge, but I have to tell you I never once felt the urge to touch my right shoulder with my left hand as a mark of my admiration for F R Leavis.
West Brom striker Nicolas Anelka makes an alleged anti-Semitic gesture when celebrating his first goal against West Ham West Brom striker Nicolas Anelka makes an alleged anti-Semitic gesture when celebrating his first goal against West Ham
Dieudonné M’bala M’bala also refutes the Nazi charge. He is anti-establishment, not anti-Jew, he is at pains to explain, and very definitely an anti-Zionist, not an anti-Semite. Well, we know better in this column than to make the mistake of supposing that the one is just another name for the other, no matter that the language used to denigrate Israel is sometimes so close to the language used immemorially to denigrate Jews that we must be forgiven if we occasionally conflate the two. After all, doesn’t Dieudonné M’bala M’bala himself occasionally do the same? “When the wind turns, I don’t think he’ll have time to pack a suitcase,” he said recently of a Jewish journalist (a Frenchman, not an Israeli) who’d upset him. “When I hear Patrick Cohen talking, you see, I think of gas ovens.” If that is anti-Zionism as distinct from anti-Semitism, you can see why some of us get confused.
It’s always worth distinguishing between bigotries, if one can, but when their resemblances start to outnumber their differences, Dr Johnson’s famous dictum that there’s “no settling the point of precedency between a louse and a flea” comes to mind. It might matter to the delusional megalomaniac that he doesn’t think he’s God, just Napoleon Bonaparte, but he’s a delusional megalomaniac either way.
As for the quenelle itself, both M’bala M’bala and Anelka have some explaining to do. If it isn’t anti-Semitic, then how come its adherents perform it grinning outside Jewish shops and museums, in front of synagogues, Jewish cemeteries and Holocaust memorials, outside Jewish schools including the Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse where, in 2012, a gunman shot dead three Jewish children and a teacher, in front of posters of Anne Frank and, should there still be ambiguity, on the railway track leading into Auschwitz? Auschwitz, Mr Anelka. That’s not a football team.
Of those who allow themselves to be photographed being Nazis without uniforms, or are only too happy to post photographs they took themselves, some will doubtless be more foolish than malignant. I don’t mean foolish in the sense of having no idea what they’re doing – that excuse won’t wash for any of them: this isn’t just an expression of Jew-hating, it’s a celebration of Jew-hating’s history – but foolish in that they think expressing Nazi sympathies on a selfie isn’t all that big a deal.
So how, only 60 years after the Shoah, and when overt anti-Semitism is considered to be in poor taste, has this come about? Has the flea finally joined forces with the louse? Could it be that sparks from the coals of fire which anti-Zionists heap on Israel have flown wide of the mark, that the furious rhetoric of anti-Zionist denunciation has not, after all, kept the Jew separate from the Jewish state? Is nostalgia for good old French-style Jew-hating more widespread than we realise – just calling itself by another name? Whatever the explanation, Upton Park is not in France, and when it is witness to a Nazi salute, we should not take the matter lightly.
In the meantime, here’s a tip for anyone afraid his “innocent” gesture will be misinterpreted. Don’t make it. When it comes to signs and language, no one is innocent of history. After the last century’s murderous madness, where every salute sanctioned a massacre, the only safe place for your hand is in your pocket. What the safest place is for Dieudonné M’bala M’bala and Nicolas Anelka is not for me to say.

Horror show from Dieudonne. A must watch for FA, West Brom etc.

As we wait for the Football Association to take action (or not) against Nicolas Anelka, let us get to the core of the antisemitic horror show that is Anelka’s chum, Dieudonne.
This is it, below. Two minutes of obscenity in which Dieudonne takes a catchy French TV kids song and inserts the words Shoah and ananas. This is Dieudonne’s theme song, as available on youtube:

You can also hear the song here, played at the end of one of his shows – note the size and composition of the audience, their adulation and how a handful of their quenelles turn into sieg heils. (Anelka’s quenelle, of course, did not.)
Perplexed? Don’t be:
  • Shoah is the Hebrew word for the Holocaust.
  • Ananas is French (and Hebrew) for pineapple.
  • During World War Two, six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis and their European supporters: this is the Shoah. Zyklon B was one of the killing methods. (Check the juice carton in the above video image.)
  • After the Shoah, Jews got a state, Israel; and Europe finally deemed racism, including antisemitism, to be unacceptable.
  • For antisemites to succeed, the Shoah must be defeated. Anything will do: calling Jews ‘Nazis’; calling Israel Nazi Germany; denying the Shoah ever happened; ridiculing the victims and the meaning of the Shoah – for both Jews and the rest of humanity.
Dieudonne takes the last of these options. It is what you are seeing in the video.
Did you notice the man in a pale suit carrying a pineapple (at 1min 06sec). He also has a large yellow star pinned to him. This apes the star worn by Jews, so they could be identified by Nazis and murdered by them. The man is Jacky. He is Dieudonne’s on-stage idiot. Please, take the time to see him with his yellow star and pineapple, at 4min 40sec, in this video here (in which Dieudonne explains his Shoah-pineapple song).
Finally, if you are neither the FA nor West Brom and cannot, therefore, persuade Nicolas Anelka to translate the actual song, here it is in English:
Shoah pineapple, sho sho sho pineapple, you take me by the shoah, I take you by the pineapple, Shoah pineapple.
We mustn’t forget. There’s a way to make money. Sho sho sho pineapple.
Shoah pineapple, shoah apricot. Shoah anise, shoah maggot, shoah artichoke. Shoah strawberry, shoah ice cream. Shoah chocolate. Shoah.
Shoah pineapple, sho sho sho pineapple. You take me by the shoah, I’ll take you by the pineapple, sho sho sho pineapple.
Darling pineapple I’ll never forget you. You’ve suffered so much. And for everything that you’ve suffered we want to give you reparations. We want you to be given a country in the sun, and millions of dollars for the millions of pineapples that were deported: for the millions of pineapples who lost their families let’s sing forever. Sho sho sho pineapple.
Now do you get it? The Shoah is a ridiculous joke that Jews profit from. Jews are pineapples. Today’s Jews are pineapples. Jewish Holocaust victims are pineapples. Free yourselves by ridiculing Jews and the Shoah.
Imagine such a song about black people and slavery.

Dieudonne is an antisemite. We await action from the FA and West Brom.

Tsahal comunica

Hace 2 horas

ATENCIÓN: Hace instantes un terrorista abrió fuego hacia la entrada de la comunidad israelí de Migdal Oz 

Nuestros detuvieron al atacante quien está siendo transferido para ser interrogado



Annulation scandaleuse par la direction de l'UNESCO de l'exposition coorganisee avec le Centre Simon Wiesenthal 
BUREAU NATIONAL DE VIGILANCE CONTRE L' ANTISEMITISME 8 Boulevard Saint Simon 93700 Drancy Le Président Sammy GHOZLAN 0668563029 à Monsieur Laurent FABIUS Ministre des Affaires Etrangères Quai d'Orsay Paris Drancy le 17 janvier 2014 Monsieur le Ministre Mon BUREAU a été requis par de nombreux correspondants consternés et scandalisés par la décision de la direction générale d'annuler l'exposition prévue dans l'enceinte de l'UNESCO du Mardi 21 janvier au 30 janvier 2014 intitulée Le peuple, Le Livre, la Terre: 3,500 ans de relations entre le peuple juif et la terre d'Israël", Nous ne comprenons pas les motifs de ce revirement que nos correspondants déjà invités à ces manifestations perçoivent comme une forte déception voire comme une forme de discrimination, d'intolérance . Monsieur le Ministre , considérant que l'UNESCO ne peut et ne doit céder aux pressions exercées par le Groupe des pays arabes particulièrement allergiques à la manifestation de la vérité historique et dans lesquels règnent la violence, l'intolérance,l'antisémitisme comme le négationnisme d'état, nous sollicitons votre intervention auprès de cette instance afin de la faire revenir sur cette décision ,faute de quoi,partant du principe que le Peuple juif a existé avant Auschwitz, et n'existe pas uniquement par rapport à la période 39-45, nous serions contraints d'inviter toutes les communautés juives ,les institutions juives, les amis d'Israel,,à ne pas participer à la cérémonie d'anniversaire de la libération des camps nazis.organisée par l'UNESCO le 27 janvier 2014 Dans l'attente de votre réponse, veuillez croire Monsieur le Ministre à l'expression de ma parfaite considération

Imágenes de la manifestación pasada contra los antisemitas. Paris, 16 de enero Plaza de la Bastilla.

 Banderas francesas , canto de la Marseillaise y el des Partisans.
Aunque nuestros compañeros ya han puesto fotografías en este Blog aprovechamos para insertar algunas nuevas del acto contra los antisemitas.

Acudieron los antifascistas a la llamada  de Europe Israel, Fis et Filles des Déportés Juifs de France, Haverim LDJ, Bétar, BNCVA y otras organizaciones para protestar contra Dieudonné, el racismo y el negacionismo.

 Esta mujer, de 80 años, se manifestó ella sola en Nantes contra los dieudonnistes.

Les juifs de France ont toujours marqué leur attachement à la République : de nombreux résistants de la première heure étaient juifs, beaucoup rejoignirent le Général De Gaulle à Londres. Faut-il encore rappeler que depuis des décennies, chaque semaine, dans les synagogues, une prière est récitée pour bénir la France et protéger la République ? - See more at:

Jean-Marc Moskowicz
Jean-Marc Moskowicz
© Jean-Marc Moskowicz
Président d’Europe Israël
- See more at:


 El premier de Canadá, amigo de Israel, visitará por primera vea al Estado Judío. En su visita se dirigirá además a Jordania. Estará acompañada de muchos hombres de negocios  , porque aunque hablará de política las relaciones comerciales son uno de los objetivos principales para la delegación canadiense.
 En su visita Harper acudirá a la Knesset, en ella pronunciará un discurso .

La nueva arma del Tsahal

 El Tavor comienza a reemplazar al M-16.
 El fusil Tavor  es de concepción Bullpup, el arma es más pequeña pero no se reduce el largo del cañón.
 Puede cambiarse, fácilmente , su uso para personas zurdas  modificando con gran facilidad la ventana de eyección.
 Usa munición del 5, 56 mm. OTAN.
 Se fabrica en polímero, lo cual aligera mucho su peso.  Visor reflex MEPRO  o MARS de  KIMBER,  con óptica  de ayuda de tiro lasser

  Lo fabrican, con licencia, en otros países como la India , Ukrania  y Brasil.


 Un joven judío, Michael Kahan, padre de familia fue asesinado a puñaladas por un demente que dijo , en la comisaría,  que deseaba "matar a un judío".
mochael kahan

   Descansa en paz.

Shabua tov

  A todos, y a nuestros hermanos sionistas de Le Groupe que laboran en la bella Italia, deseamos una muy feliz semana.

                     Le Groupe.


Roma - Tanti alberi per l

"Árboles plantados por jóvenes de diferentes creencias unidos en señal de respeto por el ambiente humano" , se puede leer en la placa  que reconoce el vícnculo entre la Beatiful Israel y Roma Capital.
Un vínculo reforzado la mañana de TuBishvat, con la plantación de 4 árboles  en los jardines ante el Ministerio de Instrucción de la Universitá  e della Ricerca in viale Trastevere con presencia de la participación de alumnos de los jóvenes de la Regina Margherita  y de la escuela hebrea Renzo Levi. Numerosos invitados , el presidente del municipio, el rabino mayor de Roma, el embajador de Israel en Italia, alcalde de Roma, el ministro de la Instrucción, etc...

- See more at:
Roma - Tanti alberi per l“Alberi piantati da ragazzi di religione diverse uniti nel segno del rispetto per l'ambiente urbano”. È quanto si legge sulla targa che celebra il legame tra la onlus Beautiful Israel e Roma Capitale nel nome dell'ecologia e del riconoscimento dei diritti di ogni individuo a prescindere dalle specifiche appartenenze culturali e religiose. Un legame rafforzato questa mattina in occasione di TuBishvat,
- See more at: - Tanti alberi per l
“Alberi piantati da ragazzi di religione diverse uniti nel segno del rispetto per l'ambiente urbano”. È quanto si legge sulla targa che celebra il legame tra la onlus Beautiful Israel e Roma Capitale nel nome dell'ecologia e del riconoscimento dei diritti di ogni individuo a prescindere dalle specifiche appartenenze culturali e religiose. Un legame rafforzato questa mattina in occasione di TuBishvat,
- See more at:
Roma - Tanti alberi per l“Alberi piantati da ragazzi di religione diverse uniti nel segno del rispetto per l'ambiente urbano”. È quanto si legge sulla targa che celebra il legame tra la onlus Beautiful Israel e Roma Capitale nel nome dell'ecologia e del riconoscimento dei diritti di ogni individuo a prescindere dalle specifiche appartenenze culturali e religiose. Un legame rafforzato questa mattina in occasione di TuBishvat,
- See more at: - Tanti alberi per l
“Alberi piantati da ragazzi di religione diverse uniti nel segno del rispetto per l'ambiente urbano”. È quanto si legge sulla targa che celebra il legame tra la onlus Beautiful Israel e Roma Capitale nel nome dell'ecologia e del riconoscimento dei diritti di ogni individuo a prescindere dalle specifiche appartenenze culturali e religiose. Un legame rafforzato questa mattina in occasione di TuBishvat,
- See more at:

Violino soprattutto

ma penso  che gli amici che passano di qui potranno apprezzarne anche altri aspetti...


La comisión del parlamento europeo , encargada del estudio del espionaje de la NSA  en Europa, se muestra decepcionada  del discurso de Obama sobre las actividades de la Inteligencia USA  .
Ha decidido , por 36 votos contra 2, solicitar el testimonio de Snowden , ex trabajador de la NSA , actualmente refugiado en Rusia para escapar de las garras de Obama . La audición se haría por video conferencia (en diferido)entre Bruxelles y la Rusia por razones de seguridad.
Mientras se espera la respuesta de Snowden la UE suspende varios acuerdos sobre intercambio de datos con los USA, y prepara nuevas leyes sobre seguridad protectoras de los ciudadanos de la UE.


                                                ¡NUNCA MÁS!

14:30 horas en la plaza Denfert-Rochereau de París

Distintas organizaciones provida españolas han promovido una 'Marcha por la Vida' este domingo en París para reflejar de forma "inequívoca", el "masivo apoyo de la ciudadanía gala" a la reforma de la legislación de aborto en España promovida por el ministro de Justicia, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón. Dos diputados y un senador del PP participarán en la manifestación, según Europa Press.Participantes en una marcha contra el aborto en París.


A finales de la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), a un selecto grupo de historiadores, directores de museos y expertos en arte, tanto británicos como norteamericanos, se les encomienda la importante y peligrosa misión de recuperar las obras de arte robadas por los nazis durante la guerra. 
 Director: George Clooney
Artistas:George ClooneyMatt DamonBill MurrayJohn GoodmanCate BlanchettBob BalabanJean DujardinHugh Bonneville